To all (from George)
Sorry for the lateness of these notes from our 5.18.11 meeting.
We began the meeting with a brief sketch of what our organizations/congregations were like.
1. United Church of Christ, St. Peter's in Perkinsville, NY 40-45 on Sunday Mornings, most progressive church in the Dansville/ Wayland area. interested in helping others.
2. 7th day Baptist, 8-12 attendance, help from others and give help to others, being practically helpful, socially active in the 19th century
3. First Friday, started at the build up of Iraq War, it is a conversation group, trying to understand what was going on, looking for different points-of-view in order to get some clarity, community oriented, individual participation, 12 people regularly, 12 on and off, Olean to Genesseo, mission of the group is to become peaceful citizens, not radicals.
4. Quaker group, 12 ind. has satellite group in Dansville 3-5 people, a large part of the group is involved in Indonesia at the current time.
5. Unitarian Universalist, 12 individuals, would like to know what others are doing
Called ourselves Progressive Collaborative Network. We are intersecting circles. We are the left hand of God
Ideas expressed:
1. wanting to know what other groups are doing
2. possibly set up a youth retreat, possibly at the 7th Day camp
3. have retreat for adults at the camp
4. maybe use the UCC/UU sexuality curriculum
5. set up a calendar of our activities
6. some phrases to describe what we might be about or just be: cultural spirituality, moral space, connections, feet on the ground, ignore power, focus on the positive, affirm goodness
7. possibly have a picnic over the summer.
8. set up a blog
Next meeting June 15th at Paddy's at 6 pm